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Changes are coming to Veteran’s Park!

Changes are coming to Veteran’s Park!

From the City Manager’s Office

Published: Monday, February 10, 2020

The City Council awarded the contract during the September council meeting for the construction of a splash-pad to be located on the east side of Veteran’s Park just off of Veteran’s Parkway. The total square footage of the splash-pad and adjacent seating areas is just over 7,600 square feet. There will be plenty of room and features for children of all ages to enjoy on hot summer days. For those who would rather sit in the shade and enjoy a summer breeze, canopies and picnic tables will be located just off the splash-pad area. A rendering of the actual splash-pad is provided to give you an idea of all the fun features children will be able to access. As part of the contract, the splash-pad must be completed by May 1, 2020. We look forward to seeing many Newcastle families enjoying the Veteran’s Park Splash-pad!

But that is not all! The City just received word last week that Newcastle has been awarded a grant to construct nearly two miles of walking and biking trails in the new park land just west of the existing Veteran’s Park! The trails will be constructed of asphalt and will be approximately 10 feet wide. Striping will be added to indicate a bicycle lane. The trails will be built along the perimeter of the park land and also loop around the pond on the north end. Future enhancements to the trails will include benches, trees, and lighting. Plans are already underway to apply for the same grant in January 2020. Funds from the 2020 grant will be used to connect trails from the new park land to the existing Veteran’s Park, refurbish the current trails, create more paved parking on the west side of the community building, and pave the gravel road looping around the west and north side of the park.

We are excited to see these changes take place and provide spaces for residents and families to enjoy!

I would be remiss without applauding the efforts and hard work of employees Jeannette McNally and Scott Hannan, the Newcastle Park’s Board, and the City Council to ensure these improvements to Veteran’s Park come to fruition. Thank you to everyone involved.

Stay warm and enjoy your Wednesday evening.
