Parent Page: Government id: 33 Active Page: COVID-19 id:178

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Information

Here you will find the latest updates from the City of Newcastle concerning COVID-19.

Status of City Services

City Council and Planning Commission meetings are in person again, with social distancing guidelines being enforced. Check out the city calendar for more information on meeting dates.

The City Hall lobby will reopen to the public on Monday, May 18th at 8:00am. If you have been paying your utility bill online, you are encouraged to continue doing so. If you plan to come to City Hall, please remember the following:

  • Please follow social distancing protocols.
  • Only two people at one time will be allowed in the lobby. 
  • Residents are encouraged to wear a mask when coming to City Hall.
  • City Hall employees may not have visitors.
  • You may be asked to sign in when entering the building.
  • If you are ill or running a fever, please stay home.

Meetings with City staff will be allowed by appointment only. Please call City Hall at 405-387-4427 to schedule appointments.

Some public meetings of boards or committees may move to remote video- or teleconferencing. For more information, see the Remote Meetings page.

Newcastle City Hall (405-387-4427) and the Newcastle Public Works Authority (405-387-4434) buildings have been closed to public entry. Payments may be made over the phone or online. Contractors may still call City Hall to make inspection requests. Our hours are still 8 AM to 5 PM.

Individuals, businesses, or contractors wanting to establish new water service may apply using our new online water service application on the City's website ( ). After it is submitted, the water clerk will then call the applicant to arrange the service and payment.

If you have an emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately. For other important problems after hours, the non-emergency number for the Police Department is 405-387-5525.

The City of Newcastle is making every effort to adhere to CDC guidelines and federal mandates to help slow the spread of COVID-19. The City is asking all residents to please use the online payment system or the drop-box in front of City Hall to make all utility payments and citation payments. Residents may also call City Hall at 405-387-4427 to make payments. 

COVID-19 News and Announcements

Helpful Links
