Parent Page: Services id: 58 Active Page: Fees/Fines id:101

Animal Control Fees/Fines

An ordinance (No. 2006-013) was adopted December, 2006 to address Animal Control and fee schedules.

Animal Control Fee Schedule
Surrendering Fee $20.00
Dog or Cat, over 6 months, annual registration fee (unaltered/not neutered) $7.50
Dog or Cat, over 6 months, annual registration fee (altered/neutered) $4.50
Tag replacement fee $1.00
Impounding and kenneling animal $20.00 plus $5.00 per day
Dog not vaccinated against rabies, pay deposit to be refunded upon proof of vaccination $25.00
If impounded animal sold, owner to claim excess of sales price above impounding and related fees and fee of $7.50
Supervised quarantine at owner’s expense for 10 days (Cats) $100.00
Supervised quarantine at owner’s expense for 10 days (Dogs under 50 lbs.) $150.00
Supervised quarantine at owner’s expense for 10 days (Dogs over 50 lbs.) $200.00
Vicious canine to be registered with animal control officer $7.50
Rabies shot, if not current $10.00

Contact Information

Newcastle Animal Control

Justine Petalcu
Director of Animal Control

721 N. Walker Dr.
Newcastle, OK 73065

Phone: (405) 301-6038


Monday - Thursday 
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 11:30am

After-hours Emergency

Phone: (405) 387-5525

Newcastle Animal Control Facebook

