Parent Page: Government id: 57 Active Page: Meeting Audio/Video Remote Conferencing id:183

Teleconferencing for Meetings

In light of recent events and public health and transparency, the City of Newcastle is exploring options that afford the public a full opportunity to participate in city meetings without compromising public health and safety.

Zoom Videoconferencing

What is Zoom?

Zoom is a video conferencing platform that allows officials to create and connect to virtual meetings with recording capabilities. The City is using a basic license for officials and staff.

Why is The City of Newcastle using it?

The Governor and Mayor have asked all of us to reduce community transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Zoom will facilitate meetings through creating a Zoom meeting link, as well as supporting record/upload features.  

STEP 1: How to install and sign in to Zoom

Mac Installation

Some steps may be slightly different due to web browser differences.
Open a web browser and go to

Windows Installation

Some steps may be slightly different due to web browser differences.
Open a web browser and go to

Smartphone Installation

It is advised that you to use your laptop, but iOS and Android apps are available.  App store links:

STEP 2: How to schedule a meeting with Zoom

If you have chosen to use Zoom for a meeting, follow the instructions below to schedule a Zoom meeting.
  1. Open the Zoom application from the task bar or "Search" on your computer. Click on the “Schedule” button.
  2. Set the name as your Meeting Name.
  3. Click advanced options.
  4. Select "Mute participants upon entry"
  5. Click schedule. An Outlook event invitation will open on your computer.
  6. Copy and paste the Join Zoom Meeting link and Meeting ID into a new email if you wish to share the invitation.

Note:  If scheduling a meeting, use the Outlook meeting invitation generated to invite participants as you would with any Outlook meeting request.

STEP 3: Test your Zoom connection with a Zoom Anytime Practice Session

After installing the Zoom application and learning how to schedule a meeting, please join the Zoom Anytime Practice Session using the link below. This will allow you to gain confidence to connect your classes with Zoom. We recommend faculty attempt off campus connections from the location(s) where they are most likely to reside if on-campus classes are temporarily suspended. If you have poor or inconsistent internet connectivity, it may be necessary for you to troubleshoot or upgrade your internet service with your internet service provider.

Anytime Practice Session –

Contact Information

Office of the City Clerk

Camille Dowers
City Clerk

120 NE 2nd St
Newcastle, OK 73065
View Map

Mailing Address:
PO Box 179
Newcastle, OK 73065

Ph: (405) 387-4427


Monday - Thursday 
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 11:30am
