Planning and Zoning Department
The Planning and Zoning Department undertakes plans and projects that enhance the built environment, protect the physical character of neighborhoods, encourage the efficient growth of the city and promote unique districts and areas of the city. This occurs through the traditional application of ordinances and design standards, and by applying urban design solutions to the physical planning of the city.
Current Planning/Development Review
An important function of the Planning Department involves the review of development proposals. This includes meeting with perspective applicants, applying ordinances, offering suggestions on design and layout, organizing meetings with other departments, reviewing applications/proposals, approving signage, providing public notice, and providing information on projects to the public, Planning Commission, and City Council.
Long Range Planning
The city's comprehensive plan is an important document that identifies and analyzes the important relationships between economy, transportation, community services, the environment, and land use. The plan sets the stage for development regulations and design standards, and includes a priority list of items to implement the plan including code and standards updates, transportation planning, area/focus plans.