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Zoning Designations

Here you can learn about zoning designations. These designations are used to regulate land use and determine the types of activities that are allowed in different areas. The city of Newcastle has several zoning designations, each with its own set of regulations and restrictions.


This district creates and preserves areas intended for agricultural purposes and those areas considered to be outside the path of urban development where urban services in terms of water and sanitary sewer are not available. The types of uses, area and intensity of use regulations are designed to encourage and protect agricultural uses on a permanent basis or until such time as urbanization takes place and a change in zoning district classification is appropriate. The development regulations in this district are intended to protect homes from encroachment by higher residential densities and incompatible land uses, while making provision for conduct of agricultural activities, including such requirements as accommodations for caretakers or a limited number of farm employees. Since the residential uses permitted represent a significant contribution to the character and stability of the community, it is not intended that this district provide a lower standard for housing and the environment than is expected in other districts.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This exclusive residential district is intended to contain larger single-family homes on lots which are above average size and have considerable private open space in the form of building setbacks and rear yard area. The development regulations in this district are intended to protect these homes from encroachment by higher residential densities and incompatible land uses. The homes developed here are on tracts large enough to permit private limited raising of horses or livestock for personal use. In order to preserve the estate character of this district, it is important to protect the existing property investment and character from the effects of incompatible neighboring land uses and higher residential densities.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This residential district is intended to contain larger single-family homes on lots which are above average size for a typical urban development. Home sites have considerable private open space in the form of building setbacks and rear yard area. The development regulations in this district are intended to protect these homes from encroachment by higher residential densities and incompatible land uses. These residential areas contain a variety of home sizes and amenities, and it is important to protect the existing property investment and character from incompatible developments.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This residential estates district is intended to provide for an intermediate single-family district with the smallest size lots that are appropriate for single-family development in areas not served by public sanitary sewer. This district typically would be considered within an area that can be served with an acceptable response time by police and fire protection. The development regulations in this district are intended to protect homeowners and homes within this district from the density found within the urbanized areas of the city that are served by all public utilities and thereby maintaining the type of density, setbacks, open space and other amenities conducive to a rural residential development setting.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This is the most restrictive urban density residential district. The principal use is the single-family residence; and provision is made for related recreational, religious and educational facilities that are normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced, and attractive residential area. These areas are protected from the encroachment of uses and activities considered to be detrimental to the residential environment. Internal stability, attractiveness, order and efficiency are encouraged by providing for adequate light, air and open space for dwellings and other permitted facilities, and thorough consideration of the proper functional relationship of each element.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This residential district is intended to provide for a slightly higher population density with basic restrictions similar to the R-F-1 District. The principal uses are single-family residences on smaller lots, two-family dwellings and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced and attractive residential area. These areas are protected from the encroachment of uses considered to be detrimental to the residential environment. Internal stability, attractiveness, order and efficiency are encouraged by providing for adequate light, air, and open space for dwellings and related facilities, and through consideration of the proper functional relationship of each element. Because of the density, it should be anticipated that developments in this district will be fully served by municipal water and sewer systems.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This is a medium density residential district that encourages multiple-family developments which represent a broad variety of housing types. The regulations are designed to facilitate moderate density residential development that is more compatible with neighboring low density residential uses. Housing permitted in this district can also serve as a buffer between more intense business areas and the interior of neighborhoods. When units are attached but under individual ownership, the development regulations of this section are applied to the entire structure for purposes of determining building setbacks.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This residential district is intended to provide for medium density areas of owner-occupied and rental housing. The principal use is low-rise multiple-family dwellings, garden apartments, townhouses and a mix of single-family through four- family residences. Recreational, religious and educational facilities normally located to service residential areas are also permitted to provide the basic elements of a balanced and attractive residential area.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended to provide a location for manufactured homes in a neighborhood setting that provides for a unified development of similar types of structures. The principal use is the single-family residence; and provision is made for related recreational, religious and educational facilities that are normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced and attractive residential area. Developments in this district share the protections of the estate lot single-family residential district. This is, therefore, a restrictive residential district.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district provides locations for mobile home parks that, while they are considered a residential environment, are not generally compatible with conventional developments. Mobile home parks are under the ownership of a single entity and provide leased or rented mobile home spaces along with amenities that make the park a desirable place to locate one’s residence.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended to provide a location for those administrative and professional offices which can occupy smaller structures in a landscaped setting. This type of development serves as a buffer between more intense retail and office commercial uses and established residential neighborhoods. Emphasis is placed on smaller individual freestanding buildings, landscaping, setbacks, sign control and restricted building height in order to promote maximum esthetic considerations in establishing protection for nearby residences.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended to provide a location for those office and institutional activities requiring separate buildings or building groups, and whose employees and clientele are of a larger number and do not necessarily live within the community. Land, space and aesthetic requirements of these uses make desirable a location on arterial streets adjacent to retail commercial activities.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended for the conduct of retail trade and personal services to meet the needs of the residents of the adjacent neighborhoods. Because these shops and stores may be an integral part of the neighborhood and in close proximity to housing, the requirements for light, air, open space and signs are more strict than the community commercial districts.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended for the conduct of general business activity which serves not only the needs of the residents of the city or the immediate surrounding area, but also the population of the larger metropolitan area. Because the permitted uses may serve and employ persons from a larger trade area, the activities and traffic generated make this district the least compatible with residential development. The permitted uses require direct access to persons from the surrounding trade areas and are ideally located on highways and intersections of arterial streets. In order to maintain sound development and good community appearance, landscaping and off-street parking are required.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended for the conduct of low impact manufacturing, warehousing, distribution and office activities and supporting commercial or public uses in areas where little or no nuisance effects are generated. Permitted industrial or manufacturing activities should be compatible with general wholesale and retail business activities, but this district is not considered compatible with residential activities or uses. The permitted industrial uses typically require good access to air and street transportation routes. No manufacturing, assembly, repair, work activity or storage, other than outside sales and display as permitted by this section, should take place outside the confines of an enclosed building.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended for the conduct of light manufacturing, assembling and fabrication, and for warehousing, wholesale and service uses that generate relatively low levels of noise, odor, smoke, dust or intense light. The industrial uses permitted may require good access to air, rail or street transportation routes, but do not depend heavily on frequent personal visits of customers or clients. Provision is made for outdoor operations and storage. General commercial and office activity is also permitted, but residential uses are not provided for in this district.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


This district is intended to provide locations for those industrial uses which may generate relatively high levels of noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, odor or light. For this reason, they should be located downwind and as far away as possible from residential and most commercial uses.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.


The Planned Unit Development District (PUD) is a special zoning district category that provides an alternate approach to conventional land use controls. The PUD process offers an opportunity for more creative solutions to redevelopment issues while at the same time requiring a proposal that conforms to the goals and policies of the city’s Comprehensive Plan. The PUD is subject to special review procedures, and once approved by the City Council it becomes a special zoning classification for the property it represents. Any proposed modification in the form of a change in zoning of a part of the PUD area constitutes a requirement to amend the entire PUD to accommodate the area being excluded.

For specifics on this zoning type, click here.
