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Building and Trade Codes and Inspections

Updated and adopted by Council, April 8, 2024.

The City of Newcastle Building Inspection Department is responsible for the review, permitting, and inspection of all construction projects within the city. This department enforces regulations pertaining to property maintenance and nuisance abatement, zoning compliance, historic preservation, land disturbance permits, sediment and erosion control and floodplain management. 

Click Here for Our Codified Ordinances

Inspection Requests

Inspection Requests - 24 Hour Notice

Currently the City of Newcastle Planning Department is utilizing both the previous permitting software, and the new MGO software.

If your project is currently on our MGO system, inspections are requested through your customer portal account. After logging in to your customer portal, you will find your current projects listed on your Dashboard, the project number (Year-#) or address will be listed.


The city requires a minimum of 24-hours' notice for all inspections.

  • Inspections are done Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
  • If the work is not ready for inspection upon arrival of the inspector, a re-inspection fee may apply. 

  • All Rough and Final inspections will need to be requested through the general contractor. 

    - All Rough Inspections will be completed at the same time as the Building Framing.

- All Final Inspections will be completed at the same time as the Building Final. 

Building Codes

Building Codes

The City of Newcastle has adopted the following Code Ordinances found in §150.10 as the codes for construction within the city limits:

  • 2018 International Building Code (with amendments §150.10 (B))

  • 2018 International Residential Building Code (with amendments §150.11 (B)(C)(D))

  • 2018 International Mechanical Code (with amendments §150.14 (B))

  • 2018 International Plumbing Code (with amendments §150.15 (B))

  • 2018 International Fuel Gas Code (with amendments §150.16 (B))

  • 2020 National Electric Code (with amendments §150.17 (B))

  • 2018 International Fire Code (with amendments §150.13 (B))

  • 2018 NFPA Life Safety Code

All of the above codes are adopted as amended by the City of Newcastle and the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission. Please refer to the Code of Ordinances for a complete list of all local amendments or contact the Planning Department.

Inspection List


All Rough Trade Inspections will be completed at the same time as Building Frame Inspection, before insulation and drywall has been installed.

All Final Trade Inspections will be completed at the same time as Final Building Inspection.

Inspection List for Buildings

  1. Footing Inspection

  2. Foundation inspection- rebar and forms in place prior to concrete installation.

  3. Pier and Beam

  4. Slab (before concrete) inspection

  5. Driveway (can be requested to be completed same time as finals)

  6. Stem wall inspection- (if stem walls are installed in a separate step from slab) Rebar and forms in place prior to concrete installation
  7. Sheathing inspection- after sheathing is installed before moisture barrier or cornice is installed
  8. Building Framing (scheduled with all trade roughs and electrical service)
  9. Building Final (scheduled with all trade finals)

Inspection List for Electrical

  1. Temporary Pole - Temporary service will be issued when passed.
  2. Electrical Underground
  3. Electrical Rough
  4. Electrical Utility Service Release (scheduled same time as Electrical Rough)
  5. Electrical Final

Inspection List for Mechanical 

  1. Mechanical Underground
  2. Mechanical Rough
  3. Mechanical Final

Inspection List for Plumbing

  1. Plumbing Underground
  2. Plumbing (Sewer) Utility
  3. Plumbing (Water) Utility
  4. Gas Service Release (scheduled same time as Plumbing Rough)
  5. Plumbing Rough
  6. Plumbing Final

Contact Information

Building Inspections

Tim Edwards
Building Inspector

Jack Stallings
Building Inspector

Tyler Cagle
Building Inspector

120 NE 2nd St
Newcastle, OK 73065
View Map

Inspections Hotline: (405) 724-2671
Leave a voicemail or text to schedule a building inspection

Ph: (405) 387-4508


Monday - Friday 
8:00am - 5:00pm
