Parent Page: Government id: 33 Active Page: Human Resources id:65

Human Resources

About the City of Newcastle

At the City of Newcastle, we recognize our workforce is a source of strength that is vital to our ability to effectively serve the City of Newcastle's customers and community. We encourage each person to share their unique strengths, talents and values.

Benefits at a Glance

At the City of Newcastle, we provide comprehensive benefit programs to promote your well being.

  • Health Care Programs - Medical, Dental and Vision
  • Pension and Savings Programs
  • Earned Vacation and Sick Leave
  • Life/AD&D Insurance

For a more detailed outline of our benefits, please review the benefits page.

Equal Opportunity Employer Information
The City of Newcastle is an equal opportunity employer. Newcastle does not discriminate against employees and/or potential employees. Adverse action based upon an applicant’s and/or employee’s race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, pregnancy, disability, genetic information and military service is expressly prohibited. No decision affecting the terms, conditions and/or benefits of employment with the City of Newcastle is based upon an individual’s membership in any of the aforementioned protected classes.

Contact Information

Human Resources

Doris Raab
Director of Human Resources

120 NE 2nd St
Newcastle, OK 73065
View Map

Ph: (405) 387-4427


Monday - Thursday 
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 11:30am
