Parent Page: Services id: 231 Active Page: Contractor Licensing and Registration Fee Schedule id:260

Contractor Licensing and Registration Fee Schedule

To purchase a trade permit, purchase or renew a City of Newcastle contractor license, simply log on to MyGovernmentOnline.

Updated and adopted by Council, April 8, 2024.

Trade Contractors will need to posess a current trade contractor registration with the City of Newcastle. Journeyman are not required to have a contractor registration, but must work under a contractor who is registered with the City of Newcastle.
Registrations are valid January 1st thru December 31st. The initial issued registration is $200.00, and if renewed before February 1st, renewal registration is $100.00. After February 1st, a registration renewal is $200.00.
Refer to Appendix A: Fee Schedule Schedule for Permits, Licensing, and Regulations for all fee information.

For more information, refer to Licenses, Permits, and Certificates.

Item Fee Additional Requirements
General Contractor $100.00 (valid Jan 1 - Dec 31)
$50.00 (If renewed within 30 days of expiration)

Certificate of Liability Insurance with min. of $50,000 
per occurance and current Workers' Compensation
Insurance in sum of $100,000 per occurance

Mechanical Contractor $200.00 (valid Jan 1 - Dec 31)
$100.00 (If renewed within 30 days of expiration)
Bond and Insurance Requirements per OK CIB
Plumbing Contractor $200.00 (valid Jan 1 - Dec 31)
$100.00 (If renewed within 30 days of expiration)
Bond and Insurance Requirements per OK CIB
Electrical Contractor $200.00 (valid Jan 1 - Dec 31)
$100.00 (If renewed within 30 days of expiration)
Bond and Insurance Requirements per OK CIB
Sign Contractor $50.00 (valid Jan 1 - Dec 31) $5,000.00 Surety Bond
Gas Fitting $50.00 (valid Jan 1 - Dec 31) $2,000 Bond


Contact Information

Building In Newcastle

Lindsey Harjo
Planning Administrative Assistant

120 NE 2nd St
Newcastle, OK 73065
View Map

Ph: (405) 387-4508 


Monday - Thursday
7:30am - 5:30pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
