Parent Page: Services id: 64 Active Page: Building in Newcastle id:231

Building in Newcastle Information

Sign up for MyGovernmentOnline (MGO) here!

A user account MUST be created for all permit and contractor licensing application submission.

Follow this link to login or create a new user account.

My Government Online (MGO)

The Planning and Community Development Department has implemented a new online permitting and inspections software, MyGovernmentOnline, also referred to MGO.

As of December 6, 2023, All permitting and contractor licensing applications submitted to the Planning and Community Development Department will be accepted through the City's new MyGovernmentOnline (MGO) permitting platform (click here). (PDF help guide here) This software will enhance the application submittal, plan review, and inspection experience for contractors and residents of the City of Newcastle.

Contractors and Residents have the ability to:

  • Apply for building permits and contractor licenses
  • Pay online for issued permits and licenses. (PDF help guide here) for assistance on how to pay for the issued contractor license regristration.
  • Submit documents in PDF form
  • Track application progress, up to permit issuance
  • View and print copies of documents recieved from city staff any time, including completed inspection reports
  • Request inspections and temporary or permanent electric services
  • Recieve real-time e-mail notifications when an inspection is completed
It's important for contractors to note the sales tax rate for Newcastle.

Helpful Information

Need information about your address?

Address Information for Projects

This new map (click here) will show information related to the address you're searching for. Simply type in the address in the search box and you will be directed to the location.
  • Zoning
  • Lot Number
  • Block Number
  • Area
  • Owner
  • Plat Name (Subdivision)
  • Section, Township, and Range

Need to Request an Inspection?

Here's how:

  1. Login to your MyGovernmentOnline account. 
  2. Select 'Home' in the Header and Click 'Search Permits'.
  3. Seach for the project to schedule the inspection by searching for the project number or address location.
  4. Once the project is found, click the three dots to View Project and Request Inspection.

Option 1: If the project has been attached to the account,

  • Select 'Projects' in the Header and find the project overview. 
  • Select 'Request Inspection' in the bottom left of the project overview.

Option 2: If the project has been attached to the account,

  • Select 'Projects' in the Header and find the project.
  • Select the 'Tasks' tab at the top and select 'New Request' under the inspections section.

Inspection Requests - 24 Hour Notice

The city requires a minimum of 24-hours notice for all inspections.

  • Inspections are done Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
  • If the work is not ready for inspection upon arrival of the inspector, a re-inspection fee may apply. 

  • All Rough and Final inspections will need to be requested through the general contractor. 

    - All Rough Inspections will be completed at the same time as the Building Framing.

- All Final Inspections will be completed at the same time as the Building Final. 

Water and Sewer Impact Fee Schedule

Sewer and Water Impact Fees

Effective as of October 1, 2023:

Connection Base Impact Fee Schedule for Sewer Facilities

Connection Type (based upon size of the site's water meter)

  • Each connection of a fee payer for a ¾" water meter = $2,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 1" water meter = $3,000 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 2" water meter = $3,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 3" water meter = $4,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 4" water meter = $5,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 6" water meter = $6,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for an 8" water meter = $7,500 

Payment of Fee

The fee payer shall pay the Sewer Facilities Impact Fee required by the Newcastle Public Works Authority Sewer Facilities Impact Fee Regulation to the Clerk/Manager or his/her designee prior to connection to the Authority's sewer system. In the case of subdivisions including lots created through short-form platting/lot split procedures, the fee payer/subdivider shall prepay the Sewer Facilities Impact Fee for each non-exempt lot, tract or parcel of the subdivision prior to and as a condition of any connection of any part of the area so subdivided to the Authority's sewer system unless the imposition and amount of the Sewer Facilities Impact Fee are clearly and conspicuously noted on the plat of record or lot split approval of record as hereinafter provided. When the imposition and amount of the Sewer Facilities Impact Fee on each non-exempt lot, tract or parcel of the subdivision are clearly and conspicuously noted on the plat of record or lot split approval of record for the subdivision as a liability running with each non­exempt lot, tract or parcel in the subdivision until paid, then as to each such lot, tract or parcel of the subdivision the fee payer shall pay the Sewer Facilities Impact Fee required by the Newcastle Public Works Authority Sewer Facilities Impact Fee Regulation to the Clerk/Manager or his/her designee prior to connection of such lot, tract or parcel to the Authority's sewer system.
All funds collected shall be properly identified by and promptly transferred for deposit in the appropriate sewer facilities impact fee trust fund to be held in a separate account as determined in Section 9 of this regulation and used solely for the purposes specified in this regulation. 

Connection Base Impact Fee Schedule for Water Facilities

Connection Type (based upon size of the site's water meter)

  • Each connection of a fee payer for a ¾" water meter = $2,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 1" water meter = $3,000 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 2" water meter = $3,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 3" water meter = $4,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 4" water meter = $5,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for a 6" water meter = $6,500 
  • Each connection of a fee payer for an 8" water meter = $7,500 

Payment of Fee

The fee payer shall pay the Water Facilities Impact Fee required by the Newcastle Public Works Authority Water Facilities Impact Fee Regulation to the Clerk/Manager or his/her designee prior to connection to the Authority's water system. In the case of subdivisions including lots created through short-form platting/lot split procedures, the fee payer/subdivider shall prepay the Water Facilities Impact Fee for each non-exempt lot, tract or parcel of the subdivision prior to and as a condition of any connection of any part of the area so subdivided to the Authority's water system unless the imposition and amount of the Water Facilities Impact Fee are clearly and conspicuously noted on the plat of record or lot split approval of record as hereinafter provided. When the imposition and amount of the Water Facilities Impact Fee on each non-exempt lot, tract or parcel of the subdivision are clearly and conspicuously noted on the plat of record or lot split approval of record for the subdivision as a liability running with each non­exempt lot, tract or parcel in the subdivision until paid, then as to each such lot, tract or parcel of the subdivision the fee payer shall pay the Water Facilities Impact Fee required by the Newcastle Public Works Authority Water Facilities Impact Fee Regulation to the Clerk/Manager or his/her designee prior to connection of such lot, tract or parcel to the Authority's water system. 
All funds collected shall be properly identified by and promptly transferred for deposit in the appropriate water facilities impact fee trust fund to be held in a separate account as determined in Section 9 of this regulation and used solely for the purposes specified in this regulation. 

Transportation Impact Fees

Transportation Impact Fees

Type of Use Type of Assessment Impact Fee
Residential Single Family Per Lot $647
Residential Multi-Family Per Unit $453
Residential Senior Housing Per Unit $236
Retail and Commercial    
Fast Food, gas or convenience stores (generally 5,000 square feet) Gross square feet area of structure(s) $3.44
All other retail or commercial* Gross square feet area of structure(s) $.25
Office** Gross square feet area of structure(s) $.25
Industrial*** Gross square feet area of structure(s) $.36
Institutional  Gross square feet of structure(s) $.25

*   Developments that either generate 200 trips or greater per peak hour (a.m. or p.m.) or 2,000 or greater trips per day or are 50,000 gross square feet or larger shall require the performance of a traffic impact study (TIS). The TIS shall be conducted by a qualified Traffic Engineer. Transportation impact fees or improvements shall be assessed based on the results of the study in lieu of the above impact fee.

**   Office developments that are 50,000 gross square feet or larger shall require the performance of a TIS. The TIS shall be conducted by a qualified Traffic Engineer. Transportation impact fees or improvements shall be assessed based on the results of the study in lieu of the above impact fee.

***   Industrial developments that are 50,000 square feet or larger shall require the performance of a traffic impact study (TIS). The TIS shall be conducted by a qualified Traffic Engineer. Transportation impact fees or improvements shall be assessed based on the results of the study in lieu of the above impact fee.

City Land Usage Ordinances

For information about the City of Newcastle Land Usage Ordinances, follow this link.

Contact Information

Planning and Community Development

120 NE 2nd St
Newcastle, OK 73065
View Map

Ph: (405) 387-4508 


Monday - Thursday
7:30am - 5:30pm

7:30am - 12:00pm

MyGovernmentOnline User Guides

Storm Shelter Registration

Follow this link to register your storm shelter.

