Parent Page: Services id: 231 Active Page: Trade Permit Fee Schedule id:235

Trade Permit Fee Schedule

To purchase a trade permit, purchase or renew a City of Newcastle contractor license, simply log on to MyGovernmentOnline.

Updated and adopted by Council, April 8, 2024.

Trade Contractors will need to posess a current trade contractor registration with the City of Newcastle. Journeyman are not required to have a contractor registration, but must work under a contractor who is registered with the City of Newcastle.
Registrations are valid January 1st thru December 31st. The initial issued registration is $200.00, and if renewed before February 1st, renewal registration is $100.00. After February 1st, a registration renewal is $200.00
Refer to Appendix A: Fee Schedule Schedule for Permits, Licensing, and Regulations for all fee information.


Electrical Trade Permit Fee Schedule

Updated and adopted by Council, April 8, 2024.

All permits have an Oklahoma Uniform Building Act Fee of $4.50

residential commercial
Electrical permit $0.07 sq/ft Electrical permit $0.14 sq/ft
Swimming pool (existing service) $50.00 Swimming Pool (existing service) $50.00
Temp pole $40.00 Temp Pole  $40.00
Service and Cutover inspections $35.00 Service and Cutover inspections $35.00
Minor wiring $35.00 Minor wiring $100.00
Construction started without proper permits Two times cost of permit Construction started without proper permits Two times cost of permit
Solar (minor wiring) $35.00 Solar (minor wiring) $100.00
Re-Inspection $35.00 Re-Inspection $35.00
Safe Room/Storm Shelter $35.00 Safe Room/Storm Shelter $35.00


Plumbing Trade Permit Fee Schedule

All permits have an Oklahoma Uniform Building Act Fee of $4.50
Updated and adopted by Council, April 8, 2024.
residential commercial
Plumbing permit $0.07 sq/ft Plumbing permit $0.14 sq/ft
Septic tank (new) $100.00 Septic tank (new) $100.00
Septic tank (repair) $50.00 Septic tank (repair) $50.00
Minor alterations and additions $35.00 Minor alterations and additions $100.00
Water heater changeout $35.00 Water Heater Changeout $35.00
Pressure test only $35.00 Pressure test only $35.00
Gas service $35.00 Gas service $35.00
Gas line installation/extension $35.00 (with $2,000 bond) Gas line installation/extension $35.00 (with $2,000 bond)
Gas pressure test only $35.00 Gas pressure test only $35.00
Water line extension $35.00 Water line Extension $35.00
Sewer line extension $35.00 Sewer line Extension $35.00
Re-Inspection $35.00 Re-Inspection $35.00
Swimming pool $0.07 sq/ft $25.00 min FOG Interceptor Trap $30.00
Construction started without permits Two times cost of permit Construction started without permits Two times cost of permit



Mechanical Trade Permit Fee Schedule

All permits have an Oklahoma Uniform Building Act Fee of $4.50

Updated and adopted by Council, April 8, 2024.

residential commercial
Mechanical permit $0.07 sq/ft Mechanical permit $0.14 sq/ft
Mechanical changeout $60.00 Mechanical changeout $100.00
Ductwork extension $35.00 Ductwork extension $35.00
Gas service $35.00 Gas service $35.00
Gas pressure testing $35.00 Gas pressure testing $35.00
Water heater changeout $35.00 Water heater changeout $35.00
Re-Inspection $35.00 Re-Inspection $35.00
Construction started without proper permits Two times cost of permit Construction started without proper permits Two times cost of permit
    Refrigeration unit $100.00
    Exhaust hood $50.00


Contact Information

Building In Newcastle

Lindsey Harjo
Planning Administrative Assistant

120 NE 2nd St
Newcastle, OK 73065
View Map

Ph: (405) 387-4508 


Monday - Thursday
7:30am - 5:30pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
