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Become a Dispatcher

Dispatchers Make a Difference
The Newcastle 911 Communications Center serves our citizens and emergency responders. We answer and dispatch police, fire, medical, and animal control calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Every day offers a new and exciting challenge. As one of our communication officers, you will embark on a career that puts you as the primary link between people and the professionals whose help they seek. When the public cries out for help with robberies, burglaries, fires, or medical emergencies, we come to their rescue. Handling the variety of challenges each day requires a special person with some very special skills. YOU could be that hero.

The Best of the Best
We provide the knowledge, skills, and tools to provide the best emergency communications services to our community. This isn't just another job; this is a chance to really make a difference in the lives of our citizens.

To find out more, call us and set up a time to take a tour of our 911 Center. You might find that this is the career you have always wanted.

Contact Information

Emergency Communications

Police Chief Gary Norman
9-1-1 Dispatch Supervisor

901 N Carr Dr
Newcastle, OK 73065
View Map

Mailing Address
PO Box 179
Newcastle, OK 73065


Non-Emergency: (405) 387-5525
