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Bulk Trash Questions?

Published: Friday, July 7, 2023

Tips for bulk pickup from Republic Services:

Please have all your items out by the curb by 7am on the first day of pickup even if you have multiple days!

Our trucks are GPS enabled, so when we go through and pick up everything in your neighborhood we will not be back after it's been verified that your neighborhood has already been picked up. So please make sure you put your stuff out on that very first day!

Also your bulk is limited to FOUR cubic yards. If you have more, Republic Services will take a picture of what you have out, then will take a picture after they have picked up your bulk limit, and send that to City staff. Anything left is the responsibility of the owner to dispose.

Hazardous waste, chemicals or fuels, pressurized tanks, engines, construction debris (includes bricks or concrete), refrigerators must be drained and tagged freon-free.

Limbs and fences limited to 4-feet long and bundled with loose items in boxes.
