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City Manager's UPDATE: Debris Removal/Disposal Process

Published: Wednesday, November 4, 2020

From the City Manager's Office:

Good afternoon, Newcastle. This is an update to the ongoing storm debris removal and disposal process, as well as general information.
Debris Removal and Disposal Assistance Process:
  • At this point, a federally declared disaster and assistance has not been approved for Oklahoma.
  • Preliminary damage assessments are currently being conducted by federal, state and local officials to determine eligibility for a federally declared disaster and assistance.
  • Mayor Karl Nail approved and submitted a disaster proclamation to Oklahoma Emergency Management on October 26th.
  • Newcastle Emergency Management has conducted preliminary damage assessments throughout the City – taking pictures, videos, GPS coordinates, and debris estimates.
  • Newcastle opened a DEQ approved disposal site at NE 16th and Portland Avenue on November 2nd and began receiving debris from residents.
  • City Council voted on November 3rd to solicit bids from companies to remove and dispose of debris in anticipation of a disaster declaration. 


During an emergency meeting last night (11/3/2020), the City Council voted to solicit bids from companies for the purpose of picking up and disposing of storm debris. This action was taken in anticipation of a federally declared disaster and assistance being approved for Oklahoma and McClain County. The bid process will take approximately 10 days to complete.


General Information:
  • As a reminder, residents may haul storm debris (tree limbs only) to the disposal site located at NE 16th and Portland Avenue. Please present a utility bill and photo identification at the site before dumping your debris. The City will not accept debris at the disposal site from companies individually contracted.
  • The location of the disposal site has been permitted by DEQ for a period of 90 days. However, if the site is needed for a longer period, the City can request an extension from DEQ. The site may also be closed if it is not needed for the full 90 days.


The hours of operation for the disposal site are as follows:
  • Monday through Thursday 7:30am until 5:00pm until clean-up process is deemed completed.
  • Friday, November 6th - 8:00am until 5:00pm
  • Friday, November 12th - 8:00am until 5:00pm
  • Saturday, November 7th - 8:00am until 5:00pm
  • Saturday, November 14th - 8:00am until 5:00pm
Debris Placement or Burning of Debris
  • Tree limbs moved to the roadside should be cut to 6 feet or less in length.
  • Tree limbs should be placed within 10 feet of the road edge.
  • When stacking limbs on the roadside, please do not block fire hydrants, water meters, or gas meters. Please ensure limbs do not protrude into the roadway or are placed under electrical lines.
  • Residents may obtain a burning permit and burning regulations by contacting the fire department at 387-5823.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this process. Please e-mail the City Manager at if you have any questions regarding this information.
