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City Manager's UPDATE: Oklahoma Emergency Management Meeting

Published: Monday, November 9, 2020

Preliminary Damage Assessment

Newcastle Emergency Management officials met with an Oklahoma Emergency Management (OEM) field representative today to discuss the ongoing preliminary damage assessment in counties and cities. The OEM representative was given a tour to some of the hardest hit areas in Newcastle to visually demonstrate the amount of damage our residents have incurred. City staff have completed nearly all of the required documentation for Newcastle to help in the request for a federal disaster declaration. Further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

Self-Service Debris Disposal Site

As a reminder, the disposal site at NE 16th and Portland Avenue is available to Newcastle residents who choose to haul off their debris. The site will not be open this Wednesday, November 11th due to the Veteran's Day holiday, but will reopen at 7:30am on Thursday, November 12th. Hours of operation are as follows:

  • Monday through Thursday 7:30am until 5:00pm until clean-up process is deemed completed.
  • Friday, November 6th - 8:00am until 5:00pm
  • Friday, November 13th - 8:00am until 5:00pm
  • Saturday, November 7th - 8:00am until 5:00pm
  • Saturday, November 14th - 8:00am until 5:00pm

Please e-mail the City Manager at if you have any questions.  
