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Update From the City Manager's Office

Temporarily Closing City Hall to the Public, Payments, and More

Published: Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Photo of Kevin Self, Newcastle City ManagerFrom the City Manager's Office:

I understand I have flooded everyone with informational overload this past week and especially today. There are a lot things changing on a daily basis and sometimes faster, right now. I want to ensure we are doing our best to provide Newcastle residents with up-to-date, timely messages that keep you informed.

  • Newcastle City Hall will be closed to the public after 5:00p.m. today. We anticipate re-opening to the public on April 14th at 8:00a.m.
  • All building permits can be dropped off in the drop-box at city hall, e-mailed, or mailed to city hall. We are currently in the process of developing an online building permit that can be easily accessed and submitted. Please call the planning secretary at 387-4427 if you have questions.
  • The Public Works Authority offices will close to the public today at 5:00p.m. We anticipate re-opening to the public on April 14th at 8:00a.m. If you have questions regarding water service, please call 387-4427 or 387-4434 for assistance.
  • There are 4 ways to make a utility payment:
    • By paying online at,
    • Calling 387-4427 and paying with a credit card,
    • Mailing your payment to PO Box 179, Newcastle, OK 73065, or
    • By dropping your payment in the drop-box at city hall. Please do not use cash when using this method
  • Traffic court has been postponed until May. Citations may be paid using one of the four methods described for utility payments.
  • Meetings of all boards, commissions, and committees have been cancelled by proclamation of the Mayor.
  • The community storm shelter will be closed to the general public. We anticipate re-opening to the public on April 14th

Emergency Services will continue normal operations.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we do our part to "flatten the curve."

Stay safe and healthy.

Kevin Self, City Manger
